Saturday, November 10, 2007

Bald is beautiful (hair loss solution)

Hey, i found this article on the, and i think it is so interesting that you might think of just going bald for your hair loss solution.

Bald is beautiful

Most guys go through at least one phase growing up where they shave their heads. Maybe it was a dare, a team ritual or punishment for losing a bet. But as you got older, the fear of losing your hair may have turned into a full-blown reality. Some guys embrace their baldness and readily whip out the razor blade, while others try to deny the existence of the rapidly thinning area in the back of their head or the telltale receding hairline. But something interesting has happened ... bald became sexy.

Even guys with full heads of hair are turning to the shaved head look. If you're thinning, you really don't have a whole lot of options (you're not fooling anyone) but take heart, look at how many girls would kill to take Chris Daughtry's wife's place by his side (yeah, we all know that won't last but anyway ...) and then there's Bruce Willis. Don't get me started. But fully folllicled guys, just make sure this is what you want to do before you get shave happy.

The pros:

* You look like a bad a**
* No hair to shampoo
* No crazy looking morning after hair
* Girls will want to touch your re-growth
* You'll get noticed wherever you go

The cons:

* You might have a funny shaped head
* You still have to condition your scalp and take care of your skin
* You have to shave it frequently otherwise you look like a baby bird
* Your head will sunburn more easily/you'll have to wear a hoodie or beanie hat on cold days
* Girls you don't want attention from may want to touch your re-growth

Before you start shaving, you'll need the right tools and products. Fortunately there are several companies who have taken on the baldness cause, creating cool products that make getting a smooth, even shave a breeze and help you keep it that way.


Get a close, easy shave with the HeadBlade Classic. Here's how it works: slip your middle finger through the loop (up to around the second knuckle) making sure the HeadBlade is nested palm-side. Rest the HeadBlade on your scalp (make sure the back 'pad' is always in contact with your scalp). Now take a long smooth stroke using no pressure. Uses Gillette Atra Plus, Schick Ultrex, and HB TripleBlade blades.

Matte or Glossy? It's up to you

Don't want a shiny head? Get HeadBlade Lotion Matte ... or if you want your head so shiny others can see their reflections on it this product also comes in Glossy. After hours of testing sheen, shine, and reflection using photographic equipment the folks at HeadBlade created a great product that moisturizes your scalp without leaving behind a heavy shine. HeadLube Matte almost magically disappears leaving your head clean and feeling fresh without the use of dyes and perfumes.

Protect and shave

What you use to shave your head is just as important as the tool you use. Body Tools shave cream with tea tree oil and oleo, lanolin, apricot kernel oil and Vitamins A & C is a cooling, refreshing cleanser while giving you a smooth shave.

For sensitive skin and especially for hair re-growth, Jack Black Beard Lube (yes, you can use it on your head), works as a pre-shave to soften and prepare the stubble, then as a shave cream with Macadamia Nut Oil, Jojoba Oil and Glycerin for a close shave and as an after shave with Peppermint, Eucalyptus and Menthol to refresh the skin. Pick it up at Neiman Marcus, Nordstorm, Bloomingdales, Saks Fifth Avenue, Sephora.

Shaving your head

So it's time to get real. When you're ready to do the deed, follow these steps from Dr. Steve May, the founder of Body Tools, and you're on your way to becoming one cool bald dude.

1: Before shaving your head for the first time, be sure to trim your hair with scissors before shaving - don't just take a razor to longer strands. This ensures a closer and most importantly, an easier head shave.

2: Be sure to shave your head after a warm shower. The heat and water make hair softer and easier to cut, which reduces the likelihood of razor bumps and unsightly ingrown hairs. Apply a generous dollop of a moisturizing shave cream or gel like Body Tools Shave Cream with tea tree oil and aloe and massage it into your scalp for a few minutes, allowing the product to soften hair even more.

3: Use a new blade each time you shave your head. Shave against the grain and use slow, even strokes without applying pressure to the scalp. Rinse the blade frequently to ensure that the blades aren't clogged with lather and hair.

4: After shaving, rinse well to remove all product and check your head out carefully in the mirror for any spots that you might have missed. Finally, apply a soothing aftershave and/or moisturizer like Body Tools SPF 15 after Shave Repair & Protect to your scalp to keep ingrowns at bay. Regardless of the product you choose, be sure that it contains sunscreen - a peeling head is never attractive!

After your head is all smooth, you'll need to maintain it. Bald Guyz® Head Wipes clean the natural oils that are secreted from the pores of the head. Green tea extract, vitamin E and natural emollients leave the head feeling smooth and soft.

Without hair, your scalp takes a beating. Bald Guyz Moisture Gel provides extreme moisturizing and soothing properties for sensitive skin, is excellent for after shaving, or to replace the moisture lost from the powerful rays of the sun which can cause the skin to become dry and irritated. Bald Guyz Moisture Gel combines green tea extract; Aloe Vera, vitamin E and vitamin A that help soothe, moisturize and protect sensitive skin. When used after shaving, our Moisture Gel reduces irritation and helps eliminate razor bumps.

A. Covington is a fashion writer with a sharp eye for men's fashion. Her men's fashion blog covers the essentials on how to dress well, from neckties to power suits to men's casual clothes to work attire for men. She always knew she wanted to be a writer and always loved fashion - and finally found a way to revel in both. Her work has appeared in numerous regional magazines and ezines, including San Diego Magazine, San Francisco Downtown Magazine, Ranch & Coast Magazine and

Article Source:

Choosing being bald as your hair loss solution, is not bad at all, huh!

Friday, November 9, 2007

Henna - a proven traditional hair loss solution

Let's see another traditional hair loss solution.

Have you heard about the miracle of henna?

Many have tried henna treatment and recommended it as a hair loss solution.

This herb originates from India and the Indians have used it for ages to prevent hair loss. It nourishes your hair and at the same time give glowing effect to your hair. It also darken you hair color. However, some people find henna's odor as unpleasant.

Henna treatment generally is not expensive, or you can purchase d.i.y henna treatment available at the pharmacy.

So, check out henna treatment at your area!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Why not try out wigs? (hair loss solution)

In my 1st post, i listed down 8 solutions for hair loss problem (hair loss solution).
One of them is wearing wigs or hair pieces.

If you are tired trying all other hair loss solution and all seems didn't work for you....or your just impatient to see the result, then wearing wigs or hair pieces probably suits you best!

Personally, i like wigs. There are thousands of styles to choose from. You can choose wigs based on their lengths, colors, hair cuts, brands, styles or materials

If you like "decent look" wigs, the picture below might give you some ideas.

They look really great in wig! don't they?

or maybe you like something like this?

Though wearing wig wouldn't help hair to regrow, i still consider it as a hair loss solution.

Let's look further on hair transplant (hair loss solution)

Hair Loss Solution - hair transplant

In my 1st post, i listed 8 hair loss solution. One of them is hair transplant.

But i believe not many people know about it. According to International Society of Hair Restoration Society, hair transplant means "A surgical technique that transfers hair follicles from the donor area to the recipient area"

If you are considering this as the option for your hair loss solution, you better understand the pros and cons.

Some people are just not lucky, something just wont work. The hair did not grow as expected! read a real experience here...

but some are so thankful to have chosen a hair transplant as their hair loss solution! They have a real wonderful experience and a tremendous hair improvement... read their testimonials here..

From my point of view, choosing the right surgeon is an important factor to consider.

Hair transplant could be the most favorite "hair loss solution" in 5 years time! who knows...

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

8 Hair Loss Solution for you hair loss problem

Are you looking for hair loss solution? You are at the right page.

If you are losing your hair, and have tried so many ways to prevent or to stop it, don't panic because there are several hair loss solutions that you can choose from, ranging from natural hair treatment to hair transplant to hair pieces.

Be happy and enjoy reading!

Below are commonly suggested hair loss solutions:

The basic line is, you must know the cause of your hair loss problems. Once your know the causes, then you can consider the right hair loss solution. Please consult a physician before you implementing the suggested hair loss solutions below:

1) Hair Loss Solution - The Natural Way:
This method does not use chemical substances. It is safe for everyone. It is a proper diet which contains a balanced diet of vitamins and minerals that is essential in producing healthy hair. For example:
-Take food that has high percentage of vitamin silica such as cucumbers, potatoes and peppers.
-Take food that rich in vitamin A : such as fish liver oil, meat, milk, spinach, broccoli, carrots, but
take not more than 25,000 IU daily.
- rich in vitamin C: such as citrus fruits, strawberries, kiwi, dark green vegies, recommended daily intake: 60mg
- rich in vitamin E: such as wheat germ oil, soybeans, nuts, dried beans, green vegetables, intake daily up to 400 IU.
- rich in biotin and/or inositol: such as whole grains, egg yolks, rice, milk.
- rich in niacin (vitamin B3), pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), vitamin b6 and vitamin B12.
- rich in mineral calcium, chromium, copper, iodine, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium, selenium, silica,sulfur, and zinc

PLEASE CONSULT your physician on how much to consume before begin your diet.

2) Hair Loss Solution - avoid too much "MSG" in your food.
This has not been proven. However, there are some people claims they are losing hair due to the diet that contains high "MSG" such as instant noodles or junk food.

3) Hair Loss Solution - Using recommended, proven, FDA approved - hair loss products or drugs.
There are so many products claimed to be the best hair loss solution. But beware, some are not proven, not clinically tested, not FDA approve. Using that products is totally at your own risk. Consult the physician before applying those products. Commonly suggested products are Rogaine, Propecia and Provillus. Another basic thing to consider is choosing a hair shampoo with 5.5 ph level.

4) Hair Loss Solution - Hair transplant.
This kind of hair loss solution is getting more popular nowadays. This method uses your existing hair (either at the side or at the back of your head), and transplant them at the receding areas. So you must have some hair in good condition to be planted. This could be expensive. Result may vary, either works for complete or partial baldness. The newly planted hair might take some times to grow depending on the health level of the scalp. Consult the experienced hair surgical doctor before you proceed.

5) Hair Loss Solution - Just shave your head!
Hey, this is kind of cool huh! No need to shy for being bald. There are a few celebrities nowadays choose to be bald though they do not have hair loss problem. You can be a trend setter among your friends! This could be the most easiest, the quickest and the cheapest hair loss solution!

6) Hair Loss Solution - wearing wigs or hair pieces.
This is the only hair loss solution that will not help to regrow your hair. However, no one knows your secret! Nothing awkward here. Wearing wig or hair pieces is just a trend nowadays and there are thousands of styles to choose from! Consult a hair stylish to help you choosing the one that fits your face and your styles.

7) Hair Loss Solution - herbal supplements or the traditional way
This method has very minimal side effects. It does help in stimulating hair growth. Herbs like Saw Palmetto are highly recommended, either taken in pills or added to hair loss products or applied as massage oil. Other effective herbs for hair loss solutions are horsetail, rosemary, siberian ginseng, and nettle.

8) Hair Loss Solution - having a balanced lifestyles
Your hair loss problem might be due to the high level of stress. Thus, you need to manage your time so that you have ample time to rest, to socialize, make new friends, and spending time for your hobbies. This method of hair loss solution won't work if you are not willing to sacrifice some of your precious time. Get a life!

So have your pick the right hair loss solution for yourself?

I hope at this point, you have some ideas about hair loss solution.
I will put on some more articles from time to time.

Please refer to the "Archive" on the right side of this page, to learn more about hair loss solution.

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